Ensino Técnico, Engenharia , Eletrotécnica, Mecânica e Administração

Ensino Técnico, Engenharia , Eletrotécnica, Mecânica e Administração
Engenharia e Construção Civil ,Projetos, Obras, Desenho Técnico, Desenho Industrial, Projeto Elétrico, Projeto Elétrico Industrial, Desenho Arquitetônico e Projeto de produção. Autodesk Revit , CAD 2D , CAD 3D e Solidworks, Ferromodelismo, Impressão 3D e Maquetes

segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2015

Canteiro de Obras

Escrita Básica para Desenho Técnico

Ao término do projeto, é essencial a verificação de todos os seus itens. Sugerimos que verifique, com a ajuda dessa lista, se todos os itens estão de acordo com as regras do projeto: 

1- Linhas de cota fracionadas e inteiras; 

2- Cotas das esquadrias (largura, altura, peitoril); 

3- Cotas das portas (largura e altura); 

4- Nomes dos compartimentos e suas áreas; 

5- Cotas dos níveis dos pisos; 

6- Projeções da laje, telhado ou pergolado (caso tenha); 

7- Desenhos dos equipamentos instalados (pias, vasos sanitários, lavatórios, boxes...); 

8- Linhas mais fortes (0,9) representando paredes em corte; 

9- Cotas dos portões localizados no muro (altura e largura); 

10- Linhas de corte identificadas com setas e letras.

Elementos de construção - revestimentos e acabamentos

Elementos construtivos
- Função
- Exigências de qualidade
- Isolamento térmico e acústico
- Materiais
- Função
- Constituintes (ligantes, areia, água, aditivos)
- Composição e comportamento
- Argamassas prontas
Tipos de parede
- Paredes de panos simples e duplos
- Tabiques e divisórias aligeiradas
- Função
- Exigências de qualidade
- Isolamento térmico e acústico
- Tipos de cobertura - inclinadas e planas
- Estrutura de suporte
- Tipos de revestimentos
- Função e formas
- Materiais naturais – processo de fabrico, acabamentos e dimensões
- Materiais artificiais – processo de fabrico, acabamento e dimensões
- Técnicas de assentamento
Componentes secundários
- Função
- Exigências de qualidade
- Elementos - portas, janelas, grades, vãos livres
- Tipos de madeiras
- Derivados da madeira
- Dimensões comerciais
- Processo de fabrico, proteção e montagem
- Aço, alumínio e plástico
- Processo de fabrico
- Proteção contra a corrosão
- Fixação, vedação e montagem
Vidros e espelhos
- Tipos de vidro
- Espelhos
- Corte e aplicação
Revestimentos e acabamentos
Revestimentos de regularização
- Função
- Exigências de qualidade
- Reboco – materiais e processos de aplicação
- Betonilhas – materiais e processos de aplicação
Revestimentos de acabamento
- Função
- Exigências de qualidade
- Azulejos e mosaicos
- Descrição dos materiais
- Composição e comportamento das argamassas
- Processos de aplicação
Revestimentos correntes de pavimentos
- Descrição e caracterização dos materiais
- Processos de aplicação
- Tradicionais
- Flutuantes
- Descrição e caracterização dos materiais
- Processos de aplicação
Materiais finos
- Identificação e caracterização dos materiais
- Processos de aplicação
Tectos falsos
- Função
- Tectos falsos tradicionais
- Tectos falso modernos
- Sanitários
- Cozinha
- Ascensores

sábado, 25 de julho de 2015

Alexander F. Victor was born on June 20, 1878 in Bollanäs, Sweden (Denham, 1). As the son of an army officer, he spent many of his early years traveling throughout Sweden. When he was 12, his family moved to Nassjo, where Victor met Solomon Andree and was introduced to physics. Victor excelled in physics where he failed in most other subjects (Denham, 1).

At the age of 15 Victor became an assistant editor for a local weekly newspaper. In 1894 Victor saw his first magic show. A few months later Victor ran into the same magician, “The Great Stephanio,” and coerced him into hiring him. The next year, while traveling in Paris with Stephanio, Victor saw his first motion picture, and was enthralled. Motion pictures were incorporated into the magic show, and allowed the show to continue after Stephanio’s death in 1895. Victor then traveled to India with the magic show, thus becoming the first to bring motion pictures to that country. Victor stayed in India for three years, becoming an accomplished magician (Denham, 3). Victor brought his show to America in 1900, and continued to work in show business until 1908 when a fire in a Toledo, Ohio warehouse destroyed all of his magical paraphernalia.

Victor then moved to Davenport, Iowa where he invented the first electric washing machine for the White Lily Company. His love for film also pushed him to invent an amateur Motion Picture Camera and Projector (also known as the Animatograph). Alexander F. Victor founded the Victor Animatograph Corporation in Davenport, Iowa in 1910, the same year he began his association with Samuel G. Rose. The world’s first 16mm motion picture projector was manufactured by Victor Animatograph Company and sold to J.H.C. Petersen of Davenport, Iowa on September 1, 1923. This a point of some contention. It has been said that Eastman Kodak invented a 16 mm movie projector some two months earlier. 
Nevertheless, Victor believed that he was first. In "The History and Origin of 16 Millimeter," a condensation of an address by Mr. Victor at ceremonies celbrating the 'coming of age' of the 16 millimeter industry in Davenport, Iowa on August 12, 1944, Victor states, "In 1923 I designed and placed on the market the world's first 16 millimeter projectors and cameras. The Eastman Kodak Company made the world's first 16 millimeter film." Future research may resolve this question.

The Victor Animatograph Collection contains print material and photographs related to the operation and products of the Victor Animatograph Corporation of Davenport, Iowa. Series I: Correspondence contains the correspondence of the past presidents of Victor Animatograph Corp., including Alexander F. Victor and Samuel G. Rose, along with a number of testimonial letters addressed to the company. Series II: Historical Information outlines the history of the company, its products, and its founder Alexander F. Victor. Series III: Administrative Information consists of some of the corporate records. Financial statements, stock information including the names of some of the investors, employee lists, organizations of the film industry, patent applications, and the contracts of Alexander Victor and Samuel Rose are also found here. Series IV: Print Material contains the print material that is related to the Victor Animatograph Corporation: journals written by the Victor Animatograph Co. and various film organizations, newspaper articles highlighting the history of the company, as well as foreign materials. Series V: Product Information includes information on many of the Victor products. Instructions on the use of 16mm film projectors, Victor catalogs, product information and price lists are also included. Series VI: Visual Material contains the visual materials of this collection; 17 stereotrope records comprise the bulk of this series. Series VII: Photographscontains photographs of the products and people of the Victor Animatograph Corporation; this is an extensive portion of the collection, housed in 19 boxes. See also the Scrapbooks series for photographs from disbound scrapbooks. Series VIII: Ephemera contains the ephemera of Samuel G. Rose’s trips aboard the U.S.S. Wright and the U.S.S. Iowa. Series IX: Scrapbooks is comprised of the many scrapbooks put together by the Victor Animatograph Corporation. Due to their deteriorating state, most of these scrapbooks have been disbound and their contents stored in document boxes.

Projeto de Restauração do Projetor Victor Kalart 16mm - 1942

Kalart-Victor 70-15MC3 16mm sound movie projector and power pack

This is a Kalart-Victor 70-15MC3 16mm sound movie projector form some time around 1960. Im no projector enthusiast so I'm not really familiar with this machine. I cant say if it works or not as i dont know but it appears it to be in pretty good condition for its age with all its switchs and bearings feeling smooth. If nothing else, It's a pretty good looking piece of furniture. I'd be willing to negotiate on the price